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How to Make Java Rice

Can its origin be traced back to Spain, to Latin America? To arroz amarillo, Spanish for yellow rice? A staple of Hispanic households, from Cuba to Colombia. Or does it bear a tinge of Indonesian influence, judging from its name? Is it somehow related to the festive nasi kuning? The dish is nasi, Indonesian for…

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How to Make Maiz con Hielo

The tall glass, filled to the brim with shaved ice and sweet corn, towered over the table. Perched regally atop was a lavish scoop of queso ice cream. I burrowed through the ice with a spoon, attempting to stir the corn and ice together. I hesitated at first, worrying about the likelihood of a mess.…

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How to Lay an Egg

We all eat … eggs every day. It’s kind of absurd how blessed we are. — Tim Richards The twin yolks on the bed of cooked rice were a radiant yellow-orange. Their golden color reminded me of the ripe mangoes back home, those picked at the peak of sweetness, in the height of summertime. The white that embraced the two perfectly round yolks was so thick. It quivered so softly when I touched it with my finger. The yolks came from a single egg. It was Dorothy’s, the first layer of our motley flock. We were betting on motherly Rose, our Buff Orpington, to be our pioneer layer but it…

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Jun-blog Turns Three and a Calamansi Tree Giveaway

The kitchen was spotless once again. The dishwasher had been loaded and the clutter on the counters cleared. The pots and pans had been washed and laid out to dry on the wire rack next to the empty sink. The lamp and tripod, plates, napkins, and the heavy, white marble board had all been stowed away. I retreated to my room with a cocktail in hand — whiskey with calamansi and honey, shaken with ice. I settled in my chair at my desk and skimmed through the messages on my screen, searching for a letter I bookmarked the day before. It was a letter from a reader from Canada who…

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How to Make Avocado Ice Pops

With one long, steady stroke I cut the pebbly-skinned avocado around its pit. I twisted the two pear-shaped halves with my hands and pulled them apart then tapped the sharp edge of my knife gently on the pit to remove it. I sliced its yellow and green flesh into thick half moons and placed them…

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How to Make Mango Jam and Mango Raspberry Jam

I was daydreaming the other day. I dreamt I was back home feasting on mangoes. I was standing in a river that meandered for miles and miles. Stout mango trees heavy with fragrant fruit dotted the river bank. Above my head, birds freely frolicked on the gnarled, brawny branches, communicating in a language so melodic.…

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T is for Tutong and How to Make Adobo Fried Rice

Cooking is 80 percent confidence, a skill best acquired starting from when the apron strings wrap around you twice. — Barbara Kingsolver It is no secret that I started to learn to cook only after I moved to California. It was out of necessity, out of my rootlessness. I was plagued with a terrible homesickness…

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